Youth Demand spray ‘GENOCIDE CONFERENCE’ on the front of Labour Party conference

Two Youth Demand supporters have taken action at the Labour Party conference by painting ‘GENOCIDE CONFERENCE’ on the front entrance. Youth Demand are calling for a two-way arms embargo on Israel and for the new UK government to halt all new oil and gas licences granted since 2021. [1]

At around 10:50am two Youth Demand supporters walked up to the security check-in building, where all guests must pass through, of the Labour Party conference being held in Liverpool and spray pained ‘GENOCIDE’ and were part way through writing ‘CONFERENCE’ before they were tackled by plain clothes police officers and arrested.

A Youth Demand spokesperson said:

“Labour is still arming Israel despite a majority of the public backing a complete arms embargo. Despite admitting there is a ‘clear risk’ of ‘serious violation of international humanitarian law’, they have spinelessly suspended less than 10% of arms licenses.

They claim their national conference is ‘democracy in action’. This is a joke when in reality Labour sold our democracy to arms and fossil fuel companies. Just last week it was revealed Starmer accepted a £4,000,000 donation from a hedge fund with hundreds of millions of pounds worth of shares in fossil fuels and weapons.

“History shows us that it will take ordinary people stepping into disruptive action to get us the real arms embargo we need. From October, we’re taking to the streets all across the country – sign up to join us”

Youth Demand are one of the groups supporting the nonviolent demonstration ‘POLITICS IS BROKEN – THE UMBRELLA MARCH‘ due to be held by Umbrella on the 2nd November, leaving from Parliament Square at 2pm.

One of those taking action today was Danny Lusardi, 23, a graduate from Lancaster. He said:

“The Labour government has admitted the arms it’s selling to Israel are being used for war crimes. But still they’re happy to keeping licensing 90% of those sales. We’re here to show them the British public can’t accept that.”

“It’s our duty as citizens to hold our government to account. When they won’t listen to the democratic will of the people, that means breaking windows and spraying paint.”

“As we approach a year of watching Israel’s genocide on the news and social media, it’s time to ask ourselves: are we serious about ending it now?”

Young people will not stand by as long as governments are supporting genocide. We deserve better. Young people all over the country are coming together to resist. Youth Demand is taking all across the country in October. Sign up for action at on the Youth Demand website.


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Notes to Editors

[1] Youth Demand is a youth resistance campaign fighting for an end to genocide. Youth Demand a two-way arms embargo on Israel and an end to new oil and gas drilling. Youth Demand is part of Umbrella and a member of the A22 Network of civil resistance projects.